主页 > 学术期刊 > Journal of Energy Chemistry

Journal of Energy Chemistry


《Journal of Energy Chemistry》是由中国科学院大连化学物理研究所;中国科学院成都有机化学研究所主办的期刊。

《Journal of Energy Chemistry》获奖情况:四川省质量一级期刊

《Journal of Energy Chemistry》在报道世界范围内天然气化学及其相关领域的最新发展动态和科技信息,增进国际交流,促进科技发展。以天然气及其相关领域从事化学和化学工程方面研究的科研人员及工程技术人员、大专院校的本科生、研究生和教师等为读者对象。

《Journal of Energy Chemistry》主要报道化石能源优化利用、氢能的研究与利用、电化学能转化与储存、二氧化碳捕获、储存与化学利用、能源利用中的材料和纳米技术、生物质转化和光催化中相关的化学问题。

Journal of Energy Chemistry主要栏目


Journal of Energy Chemistry投稿指南

Journal of Energy Chemistry杂志投稿须知:Preparation of manuscripts (Template)The manuscripts should be printed on good quality A4 paper in a 12 pt Times New Roman font. All manuscripts should include: a title, list of authors, full addresses of authors, an abstract, keywords, all sections of the body of the manuscript, footnotes, and references.The title should clearly and accurately indicate the contents of the article or communication and should be expressed in adequate scientific terms. No abbreviations should be used in the title.The full addresses of authors should be placed below the title. Footnotes should be included on the first page to give the phone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the author of correspondence, and if applicable, information regarding funding. We request that authors should submit abstracts for both articles and communications. Abstracts should state briefly the reason for the work, the significant results, and conclusions.Keywords should be given at the bottom of the abstract to serve as guidelines for indexing.The body of the manuscript should be subdivided into the following sequence of the sections: Introduction, Experimental, Results and discussion, Conclusions, and References.Tables and figures must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and should be self-explanatory. Tables must have a brief descriptive title and include footnotes if necessary.“Figure” should be spelled out instead of being written“Fig.” Figures should have figure captions, either with the figures or collected on a separate sheet. The contents of figures, tables, and word descriptions should not be duplicated.Important instructions concerning Figures and Tables are listed as follows:Each figure should be located at bottom of the paragraph where it is mentioned first in the text.Size and font of all words including the X and Y axis, units and legends are 7.5 pt and Times New Roman, respectively. The first letter in the first word is capitalized.Physical quantity is in italic, and the physical quantity and unit is separated by /not by · or blank, such as T/K,Ea/eV,Z/Ω, mL/min, mL/(h?gcat). When English full name of physical quantity is used, unit should be placed in the parenthesis and there is one blank space between them, such as Potential (V),Capacity (mAh/g),Current efficiency (%).Digit and unit is separated by one blank space. Percentage of weight and volume should be wt% and vol%, not wt.% and vol.%.Width of figures or images is 8 cm (single column) or 16 cm (double column).For digital figures, they should be edited in the text. For SEM, TEM, HR-REM images or other photos, their resolution is more than 300dpiWhen a figure title contains a few different figures, each figure should be numbered using (a), (b), (c), (d) …… which are inserted in the upper left corner of each figure with closed frame. When a figure contains different lines, these lined should be numbered using

1、, 。

2、, 。

3、, 。

4、 …… even though the lines are also differentiated by different colors. Table must be three-lined format. Photographs should be of sufficiently high quality with respect to detail and contrast. Indicate the magnification by a bar on the photograph.References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Abbreviations of journal titles should follow the style used in Chemical Abstracts. Reference accuracy is critical and authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Only articles that have been published or are in press should be included in the references. Journal articles and books must be cited by the following formats:Reference to a journal publication:[1] J. van der Geer, J.A.J. Hanraads, R.A. Lupton, J. Sci. Commun. 163 (2000) 51–59. Reference to a book:[2] W. Strunk Jr., E.B. White, The Elements of Style, third ed., Macmillan, New York, 1979. Reference to a chapter in an edited book:[3] G.R. Mettam, L.B. Adams, in: B.S. Jones, R.Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age, E- Publishing, Inc., New York, 1994, pp. 281–304. All manuscripts should include a graphic abstract. Authors are required to provide a single separate A4 sheet containing a small diagram, or other informative illustration (scheme, formula, figure, etc.) that shows the most important aspect of the paper. The diagram or illustration should be a maximum size of 40 mm high×80 mm wide with color. Style and format of the graphical abstract may be found in the example.


  • 官网地址:www.jngc.org
  • 投稿邮箱:jngc@dicp.ac.cn
  • 联系电话:0411-84379237
  • 杂志社地址:大连市中山路457号

Journal of Energy Chemistry数据分析







慕容*** :


2022-05-22 07:12:21
宋*** :

Journal of Energy Chemistry,个人认为非常负责,投了一篇,碰到一个审稿非常严格仔细的专家,相当的专业,能够准确指出文章存在的不足,感谢编辑和审稿人。推荐投稿!

2022-03-10 19:32:29
公羊*** :

Journal of Energy Chemistry杂志审稿速度还可以,审稿专家意见很中肯,对文章见解独到!修改很认真!对文章的不足之处一针见血的提出,对提升文章质量帮助很大,希望该杂志越办越好!

2022-02-17 07:31:14
尉迟*** :

Journal of Energy Chemistry的处理速度比较快,稿件相对来说就很多,优秀稿件录用的数量也增多,最终导致见刊较慢。同时,该刊的审稿制度还是很完善的,基本都在2-3个月内给录用与否的信息。

2021-11-22 07:27:17
公仲*** :


2021-11-17 09:03:19
公西*** :

.9.7,赶上中秋节放假投过去的,人家也放假,所以9.9号上午才收到稿件编号。9.11 收到论文修改通知,说修改合格后录用。不得不说,Journal of Energy Chemistry杂志的审稿速度真是快啊!!!需要修改的地方:1)篇幅压缩40%。我的原稿字符数大概9500左右,按期刊要求排成小四字体,1.5倍行距,足足有12页,确实太多了。删除了一些不必要的文字说明,缩减到8页半。

2021-11-02 05:57:31
邹*** :

Journal of Energy Chemistry文章挺有难度,但都很地道,卖家发货速度很快,快递也非常给力。全是新书而且是正版,比去报刊亭买划算算多了。

2020-07-21 06:26:22
端木*** :

Journal of Energy Chemistry审稿速度还是挺快,省却了很多煎熬时间。编辑人很好,很耐心,比一些大牛杂志的编辑和善很多,沟通也很顺畅;审稿专家很认真,也很专业,意见很是中肯,对文章起到非常好的润色。值得推荐。

2020-06-08 06:19:21
束*** :

Journal of Energy Chemistry的审稿流程蛮多,但是进行的比较快,效率很高。编辑人很好,外审之后,亲自打电话讲了许多杂志运用格式上的注意事项。真的很感谢!编辑和外审老师对文章帮助很大~

2019-06-27 19:38:47
公冶*** :


2019-04-23 03:12:45

